JAKARTA - Jade plants or better known as jade plants are native plants from the African continent. This plant is often categorized as a succulent plant because it has a similar appearance, which is shiny green, thick, and fleshy. Though jade and succulent plants are different.

If you're looking for plants to decorate the interior of your home but are bored with succulents, maybe jade can be an option. Launching Dekoruma, Monday, August 2, from 150 types of jade, there are 3 types of jade plants that are most widely chosen by people as ornamental plants. Anything?

Crassula Arborescens

The type of jade plant Crassula arborescens is often referred to as Silver dollar. The shape of the leaves is slightly oval. The color is grayish green. Around the leaves there is a thin red line. This type can grow up to 1.2 meters high.

In certain seasons, the pink flowers will bloom beautifully. The duration of the bloom is quite long, can reach one season. Crassula arborescens is most suitable as an indoor plant because it does not require a lot of sunlight.

Portulacaria Afra Aurea

This type of jade plant comes from Namibia. The leaves are small and grow very lush like a bush. The color of the leaves at the bottom is green, while getting to the top, the leaves are yellow. Therefore, this type of jade plant is known as The Yellow Elephant Bush.

Crassula Ovata 'The Hobbit'

This type of Crassula ovata 'hobbit' is quite unique. The leaves are not oval or wide, but are coiled like a tube or a trumpet. Small in size and the position of the leaves are very close to each other. It is bright green in color with a slight tinge of red at the top end.

In the blooming season, this plant will produce flowers with a star shape and white. This type of Crassula ovata hobbit is suitable as an outdoor or indoor plant. Plant it on the edge of a fish pond or in a pot, then place it in the corner of a Japanese interior window, to make it look more perfect.

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