JAKARTA - Comedian Doyok experienced deep sorrow. His son Rolly must be gone for good after battling COVID-19. The late, said Doyok, was buried in the Balaraja COVID-19 special cemetery, Tangerang, Banten, Sunday, August 1.

"Our family has forgiven Rolly's departure. He has tried to fight his illness but what can Allah SWT have other plans. He also had to die in the fight against COVID-19," said Doyok when contacted by VOI, after dropping the deceased at his final resting place on Sunday 1 August.

Almarhum Rolly putra komdian Doyok dimakamkan di TPU Khusus Covid-19di Balaraja, Tangerang, Banten. (Istimewa)
The late Rolly, the son of comedian Doyok, was buried at the Covid-19 Special TPU in Balaraja, Tangerang, Banten. (Special)

What made it difficult for the deceased to deal with his illness, continued Doyok, was because he had a congenital illness that he had suffered for a long time. "Besides COVID-19, my child has a congenital disease. He has suffered from acute ulcers, it's been a long time. Maybe that's what made him heavy and finally had to face the Creator," he said.

While he was sick, the comedian said that soared through the comedy group Srimulat, his son was only treated at home. "He underwent self-isolation at our house in Perum (Perumnas Tangerang). After undergoing isolation he finally left us all," said Doyok.

As Doyok knows, his late son left two children from his now separated marriage, he did not leave a specific message. "As far as I know there was no special message from the deceased before he died," he continued.

Doyok memaklumi jika teman-teman dan keluarga tak bisa  ikut ke pemakaman. (Istimewa)
Doyok understands that friends and family cannot come to the funeral. (Special)

Because it was still in the PPKM Level 4 period, the Doyok family did not dare to hold a tahlil that invited many people. "We don't hold tahlil and prayers as usual which were often done before the pandemic. Even if there is a prayer, it is only done by the nuclear family at his grandmother's residence in Anke, Jakarta," he explained.

Doyok thanked his family, relatives, friends who have offered prayers and condolences. "It's okay not to be able to attend, because the situation is still PPKM and the COVID-19 pandemic, thank you for the condolences and prayers," he said.

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