Rebound Love, Turns Out To Be Profitable For Women
Illustration (Rodnae/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Breaking up is not an easy thing and can be taken lightly. Many women have to go through a lot of time to be sad, live a life full of regrets, prolonged confusion, until finally shutting themselves off from love affairs.

But on the other hand, there are also women who like to do rebound love. After breaking up, usually, they can walk and be close to other people as an outlet.

Maybe it seems coquettish because you just broke up but have been looking for a new partner. But actually, rebound love is fine if you want to do it. All back to their respective choices.

In fact, rebound love is actually beneficial for those of you who just broke up. Here are some things that can be felt when you have an outlet after your relationship ends.

Don't dissolve in sadness

Not long after breaking up with someone else right away? This means you do not have time to be upset and sad. Instead of confining yourself for days in your room, you're actually enjoying being with new people, having fun, and feeling like life is fine. At least, just walking together can make you happy.

It should also be noted, yes, that all the emotions you feel are natural and you can also heal from a broken heart. Rebound love can indeed help, but you still need to release all emotions after a breakup.

Quick move on

Most women move on faster when they meet new people. It is undeniable that rebound love can make it easier for you to break away from your ex. So, there is no longer the need to contact your ex, ask for it back, and get sad every time you see things related to your ex.

Don't feel lonely

Do you often feel lonely when you just broke up? This is normal because you are not used to going through days without a partner. But by having an outlet, you will be free from this feeling. Every day you have friends to chat with and hang out with again.

Feeling precious

Did you know that some women choose to stay in an unhealthy relationship for fear of not being able to have another partner? Well, rebound love, proves that you can have a partner, you are attractive to the opposite sex, and you can also find a better partner.

Could be a serious relationship

Is rebound love just playing around? Not really. Some of them are just an outlet because they just broke up, then gradually love develops, and ends in a serious relationship.

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