JAKARTA – Everyone has experienced sadness, loss, disappointment, and anger. But reality continues to roll and needs to be addressed immediately. How do you manage feeling uneasy when you receive bad news?

The instantaneous mechanism through which the third body receives bad news is fight-or-flight. Accept it and then take a solution including the risk or run from reality and take the umbrella of sadness.

Reported by Medical News Today, Wednesday, July 28, in these situations the adrenaline may rise. The mind will race against the worst-case scenario. Most probably need to be done in a short time is to catch your breath and set your heart to be stronger.

To forget, it can not be as fast as the wind. But responding to tension can be with coping mechanisms such as the following ways.

Accept negative emotions emosi

Avoiding negative emotions, according to research conducted by the University of California, can cause more stress than confronting and accepting them. From these findings, embracing a darker mood can actually help a person feel better in the long run.

Repeat reading bad news

Repeated reading or hearing the exposure of the bad news can neutralize the mood. Because avoiding a situation is often what comes to mind is counterintuitive and makes a person think more about it.

Rearrange the point of view

Instead of reflecting on the news that is depressing and sad, sometimes one needs to rearrange one's perspective. The way a person thinks about a piece of news can be decisive in seeing the situation and building an overall perspective.

While not every situation can be controlled, these mechanisms can reshape cognitive responses and alter reactions. Rearranging this point of view is useful for finding a more positive interpretation of the bad events experienced.

Learn to overcome difficulties

Difficulties in life are inevitable, but learning to overcome adversity makes a person more resilient. The trick, can be by writing a journal regularly as a marker to rise from adversity.

A study published in the American Psychological Association shows that journaling is one of the most effective solutions for teenagers, although it can be done by anyone, when facing difficulties.

Be kind to yourself

Bad news in any form, needs to be accepted but still be kind to yourself. Like maintaining physical and mental health. The practical step can be to do meditation regularly which is proven to be effective in reducing worry.

Other steps, consume healthy foods, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and other ways to take care of yourself.

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