JAKARTA – Emotions can include negative and positive emotions. According to research conducted by L. Pessoa and R. Adolphs in 2010, there are 25 different emotional dimensions. Starting from anxiety, admiration, awkwardness, boredom, calm, confusion, desire, empathy, fear, sadness, and others.

In decision-making, for example, emotion is involved with logic. If one of them is heavy, then the results might not be as expected. To stay wise when making decisions, there are 4 ways to keep logic and emotion balanced side by side.

Get rid of the factors that harm you

There may be parties that are not very profitable or make the atmosphere even murkier. These factors can keep you away from the authenticity of your own feelings. These factors can also change direction, which is initially logical to be less realistic.

So try to listen to the inner voice that is essentially taking time for yourself and separate from the opinions of others.

Use the method suggested by psychologists, namely HALT

This method is known for prioritizing mental health. In addition, this method is also used in the business field so that it can be more calculative but does not ignore self-emotions. This method is an acronym for hunger, anger, loneliness, tiredness.

This is an advice that decision-making should not be made when you are hungry, angry, feeling alone, and exhausted. These four conditions can reduce your ability to evaluate every possibility or option that exists.

List the pros, cons, and risks

Calmly, think about it, and make a list of the pros, cons, and risks. Sometimes this simplest method really helps to position the perspective just right.

Even better, the questions related to all three can intuitively point you to the best option. The more you know the risks you will be taking, the more you will understand how much you need to sacrifice.

Have fun activities

Engaging in pleasurable activities can allow emotions to be negotiated. You can also be calmer when making decisions and your mind will be clearer.

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