Sad News, Jane Shalimar Passes Away
Jane Shalimar (Photo: Savid Rabos / VOI)

JAKARTA - Innalillahi wa innailaihi rojiuun, sad news comes from the entertainment world in the country. Jane Shalimar passed away, Sunday, July 4th. The news was conveyed by Karina, Jane Shalimar's sister in a chain message.

"Has passed away to Rahmatullah Jane Shalimar bint Dicky Sadikin, at the age of 41 years, on Sunday, July 4, 2021 at 04.20 WIB," Karina wrote.

The mother of one child is planned to be buried on the same day at the Jeruk Purut TPU (around 10.00 / 11.00) South Jakarta and will use the covid protocol.

"Please sincerely pray from all of you so that the deceased will get the maghfiroh of Allah SWT and be given the best place by Allah SWT and please open the door for forgiveness for all the mistakes of the deceased during his life," he continued.

Jane was in critical condition due to exposure to COVID-19 with her asthma. After being rushed to 7 hospitals, but full, Jane received help at JMC Buncit Hospital.

Jane Shalimar's condition is said to have improved after receiving medical help. But apparently Jane couldn't survive COVID-19.

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