JAKARTA – Many consider that discussions in sex education are taboo. Even the mere discussion of sexual relations is often understood ambiguously.

Whereas with sex education, it can open up the landscape of knowledge about the body and its functions, body autonomy, consent, and reproductive health. The topic of knowledge in sexual education is also not only for women, but men also need to understand it.

Reported by Antara, Thursday, July 1, Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), Hasto Wardoyo said that sex education is the key to upholding the right to body autonomy so that everyone has power over their own bodies without risking violence and coercion.

So, what are the important points that are summarized in sex education with the aim of upholding the right to bodily autonomy? Here's the list.

Reproduction health

According to Hasto, there is a lack of knowledge about reproductive health in the community, such as the practice of female circumcision. This fact makes the autonomy rights of women's bodies violated.

In fact, in reproductive health, quoted from the Indonesian Pediatric Association page, not all girls have a prepuce or skin covering that covers the clitoris and urinary tract.

For men, circumcision is performed to reduce the risk of urinary tract infection, infection of the penis, and to avoid the risk of developing infectious diseases in adulthood.

There are no medical indications for female circumcision, even according to WHO, female circumcision is at risk for serious and life-threatening complications.

In addition to a basic understanding of circumcision, an understanding of the monthly cycle in women is also minimal.

Whereas this is related to reproductive life as an adult, including choosing contraceptives, avoiding unwanted pregnancies, and consenting to partners regarding sexual life.

Understanding of bodily autonomy

“If people are taught from an early age about their own bodies, they can have knowledge about what is best for themselves. Including the practice of marriage in children whose reproductive systems are not perfect will actually harm health, such as the risk of cervical cancer, "explained Hasto.

Lack of knowledge about reproductive health affects the violation of the body's autonomy rights. In sexual life, the reproductive system plays an important role and needs to be understood in sex education.

Creating quality health

Again, sexual education needs to be obtained, understood, and practiced by both men and women. Everyone needs to gain in-depth knowledge about sex, reproductive organs, sexuality, and relationships with partners.

If rights and issues related to gender have been addressed, quality health will be created, especially for women and girls.

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