JAKARTA - Singer Ariana Grande will provide therapy worth one million US dollars or equivalent to Rp. 14 billion for her fans. Through an Instagram account on Tuesday, June 29, the therapy assistance was created in collaboration with an organization with a mental health focus, Better Help.

Those who register will receive one month of free therapy and a 15 percent discount on continued therapy.

“Excited to be working with @betterhelp to provide $1 million free therapy!” he said on Instagram. Grande hopes this will help those who are struggling with mental health.

“To recover is not something easy but you are worth the effort and time, I promise! Thank you @betterhelp and I can't wait to work with you again.”

Ariana Grande herself developed PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after the Manchester Arena attack that occurred at her concert in 2017. She admits talking to a therapist has helped her get through her trauma.

Last month, the 34+35 singer spoke at Mental Health Awareness Month. "We have to make this time healthy, peaceful and beautiful," he said on Instagram.

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