Diligently Consume These Foods To Help Lower The Uric Acid
Ilustrasi (Mohammad Amin Masoudi / Unsplash)

JAKARTA - A Gout is a form of arthritis that occurs due to too high levels of uric acid in the blood. As a result, the formation of crystals accumulates around the joints, triggering pain.

To relieve joint pain, you can eat uric acid-lowering foods. There are several foods that can be consumed every day to lower uric acid, let's look at the following list.


Celery is believed to be able to lower uric acid levels. You can process it in various ways. For example, eating celery leaves raw, made into juice, or in the form of supplements. However, there is no specific advice regarding the portion that should be consumed per day. You can consume in sufficient quantities, don't overdo it!


Ginger is known to have many benefits, one of which is helping to overcome joint pain. You can use it topically, such as compressing ginger water on the part that is experiencing symptoms of gout to relieve pain for 15-30 minutes.

In addition, ginger can also reduce uric acid levels in the blood for those who have hyperuricemia. Patients are advised to consume ginger water as much as three cups every day.


Apples contain malic acid which can lower uric acid levels. However, there are not many studies that can support this claim. Even so, you can still eat one apple every day because it is good for your health. However, do not consume it with excessive sugar consumption.


According to some research, cherries are quite effective in relieving and preventing gout attacks. It is recommended to consume three servings of this fruit for at least two consecutive days. Besides being able to be consumed in the form of fresh fruit, gout sufferers can also consume it in the form of juice and cherry fruit extract.

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