JAKARTA - During menstruation or menstruation on the first day, some women often feel pain to pain in the hip area. So that when your period is on the first day, you need adequate rest and it is difficult to do many activities. Are you one of those who feel it?
But actually, feeling pain during menstruation on the first day is a natural thing to feel. This is a sign that hormones are present. However, it can also indicate something is happening to the reproductive organs. Anything? summarized from Healthline, Sunday, June 6, the following are the causes of pain during menstruation on the first day.
Prostaglandin hormoneProstaglandin or lipid hormones are one of the things that provoke a woman's uterus to contract to help remove its lining. Citing the Healthline page, this hormone is involved in inflammation and pain.
This release process increases the feeling of cramping on the first day of menstruation. Even when levels increase, it can cause nausea to diarrhea.
EndometriosisOne of the other causes is experiencing tissue abnormalities that resemble the shape of the uterine lining. This event is known as endometriosis.
Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue grows in the ovaries, intestines, and the tissue lining the pelvis. So if it is in the wrong place, it can cause the area to become inflamed and painful during menstruation.
Experiencing FibroidsCiting the Healthline page, Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or inside a woman's uterus. Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy menstruation.
According to the Office of Women's Health, up to 80 percent of women are believed to have it by the age of 50. However, most women don't have any symptoms and may never know they have fibroids.
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