JAKARTA - Actor Joe Lara died on Saturday, May 29 due to a plane crash he experienced.

Joe was one of seven victims who died in a Cessna Citation 501 jet crash. The plane crashed into Lake Percy Priest near the town of Smyrna.

Besides Joe, his wife, Gwen Shamblin Lara also died in the accident.

Cited from TMZ today, May 31, emergency units worked since Saturday night before the passengers were pronounced dead. Currently, an investigation is underway to investigate the cause of the plane crash.

Some of the other victims were Jennifer J. Martin, David L. Martin, Jessica Walters, Jonathan Walters, and Brandon Hannah. They worship in the same church.

Joe Lara started his career by playing the character Tarzan in the series Tarzan: The Epic Adventures. He has also starred in dozens of films and series, including Steel Frontier, Strike Zone, Sunset Heat, Tropical Heat, and Baywatch.

In 2002, Joe decided to retire from acting and chose a career in music, especially the country genre.

Then he and his wife who is a priest create a Youtube channel, Life With Gwen and Joe which contains their daily lives. They got married in 2018.

Joe and Gwen Lara died leaving children from Gwen's first marriage. Joe Lara died at the age of 58.

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