JAKARTA - The vaginal area looks darker? This often happens to women, thus making it even less comfortable.

The most common causes of dark vaginal areas usually occur due to frequent use of tight clothing, skin infections, vitamin deficiencies to obesity. However, no need to worry, you can brighten it in a variety of natural ways and also effectively done. Here are some natural ways to brighten dark skin in the miss V area.

Lemon and Lime

Vitamin C derived from lemon and lime can help you whiten dark parts of the skin. You can do this by cutting both oranges and rubbing them in dark areas. For maximum results, you can also do it regularly 2-3 times in a week.


Who would have thought, in addition to being one of the flavorings, turmeric can also help you whiten in the vaginal area. You can do this by mixing turmeric powder with a squeeze of lemon or lime to apply to the dark part of the vagina. Leave for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse with water and soap to get clean and bright results.


Usually, cucumbers are often used for beauty ingredients in every facial product, because cucumbers become one way to whiten the skin. You can benefit from cucumber slices to brighten the vaginal area naturally.

Orange peel

If you often consume oranges, it is advisable not to discard the skin. Who would have thought, orange peel can be useful to help whiten dark areas of the skin. You can use it by drying the orange peel and mashing it until smooth. Then, put a squeeze of lemon juice and apply it to the dark part of the skin.

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