JAKARTA - Nikita Mirzani made a scene for netizens by uploading a photo of her intimacy with Dimas Beck. Nikita sat hugging and leaning on the chest of Dimas Beck who embraced Nikita.

They look compact wearing matching color clothes, which is black. The mother of three children casually. "You are always there for me," wrote Nikita Mirzani, in her uploaded statement.

Suddenly the photo was immediately flooded with comments by netizens. Many of them said that Nikita and Dimas seemed to get along well with each other and wished them both to get married.

"Why don't you just get married?" said one of the netizens.

"Please escort them to KUA (Office of Religious Affairs)," said another.

In fact, this is not the first time they show intimacy. On Dimas's birthday, Nikita makes a special dinner for her ideal man.

Nikita Mirzani also once admitted that she wanted to have a child from Dimas Beck. Even though they are not a married couple, Nikita admits that she has no objection to having children from the personnel of Bukan Bintang Biasa (BBB).

Through the video that Nikita uploaded on her personal YouTube channel, Nikita honestly admitted that she had been mowing down on Dimas a long time ago.

"Dimas Beck is one of my favorite artists from a long time ago when I was not an artist. Especially when I had BBB, I really liked it because you were charming. Finally, I was able to film together until now, thank God," Nikita said to Dimas.

Hearing this statement, Dimas said he was happy. "Oh really? Alhamdulillah," replied Dimas Beck.

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