JAKARTA - Fasting is not only about holding back thirst and hunger. Fasting also means refraining from sexual lust. Maybe some people find it easier to contain thirst and hunger than sexual desire. Even though it sounds trivial if even a little sexual desire is felt it can cancel the fast.

So, so that you can continue your fast and avoid all temptations, VOI editorial team provides information on how to withstand sexual temptations during Ramadan. Actually, this is not that difficult to do. You just need strong will and determination for this to work.

Divert the energy

The way to resist the sexual temptation that you can do is to divert your energy to activities that are more beneficial. For example, light exercise, trying new dishes for breaking the fast, learning a musical instrument, or practicing yoga.

Divert the temptation with other activities

Sexual temptation can arise when you are thinking about it or are talking about the topic. To avoid this, it's a good idea to do other activities that require high focus, such as deepening religious knowledge or reading science books.

Stay away from activities that give rise to lust

Another way to resist sexual temptation is to stay away from activities that give rise to lust. Avoid watching shows that contain sexual scenes or reading books related to sex. Also stay away from objects, settings, or figures that have the opportunity to arouse your sexual desires.

Doing sexual therapy

If in your daily life you are also a person who finds it difficult to resist sexual temptations, it would be better to take action by doing therapy with an expert to find out the root of the problem that causes it. Also, therapy will really help you find focus and control yourself.

Eat certain foods

Aphrodisiac is food that generates sexual arousal, while an aphrodisiac is a food that can control the sexual temptation. These include soybeans, licorice, chaste berries, hops, and wild lettuce. You can occasionally try consuming these foods to control sexual temptations during Ramadan.

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