JAKARTA - Singer G-Dragon uploaded a mysterious message on social media after it was announced that the MBC variety show, Good Day was canceled. On Friday, March 20, G-Dragon shared a screenshot of a broadcast on his second social media account. In the picture, it says, 'Wake up in this harsh world'.

Reported by VOI from the Allkpop page on Saturday, March 22, the photo comes from the 2012 Infinite Challenge episode, in a special talks segment called Hang Show featuring HaHa.

Recently, the Good Day event, in which G-Dragon played producer, canceled the sixth episode which was supposed to air on March 23. This decision was taken after a controversy emerged regarding actor Kim Soo Hyun, one of the event's participants.

On March 20, MBC issued an official statement that the event would be temporarily suspended for a week to 'retend'. Instead, the special episode I Live Alone will air at a predetermined time.

Good Day itself is a musical-themed variety show, where G-Dragon works with various figures from various fields to create songs. This event is a moment of G-Dragon's return to a long-awaited variety show world.

However, this program faced a negative reaction after Kim Soo Hyun was involved in a controversy over the rumors of her past relationship with the late actress Kim Sae Ron. Initially, the production team planned to edit as much as possible Kim Soo Hyun's appearance in the event. However, due to the many footage that have been recorded, this has become difficult to do.

On March 17, the production team explained that they decided to include the scene in order to maintain the integrity of the event and respect other participants and the audience. However, because the controversy continued, finally this week's episode was canceled.

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