YOGYAKARTA Alloromantic refers to people who are oriented to have a romance in relationships and are attracted to falling in love. This romantic orientation is in contrast to romance, which is not oriented towards romantic feelings. Although romance also does not mean having no meaningful love or relationship, recognize the sign of a person oriented to romance or called alloromantic.

Someone known as alloromantic, the most prominent feature is the feeling of romantic attraction to other people. This can be in the form of an attraction to friends, or a sense of nervousness when talking to special people. It also marks the desire to have a romantic relationship.

A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that people who experience romantic attraction tend to prioritize emotional closeness and deep relationships in their romantic relationships. Launching Bride, Monday, March 17, alloromantic wants emotional closeness by finding joy, sharing ideas, mutual support, and strengthening ties in their romantic relationships.

Some alloromantic people like romantic treatment. For example, giving a surprise during dating or love letters at unexpected times. There is also an alloromantic who likes simple everyday moments. Like cooking together or asking each other news after a long day.

Due to the romantic attraction of the core part of alloromantic people, they can feel intense heartbreak. Breaking up love, love not replying, or rejection can make an alloromantic feel very emotional and sometimes take a long time to recover.

Whether it's books, movies and songs, it can get an alloromantic carried away. They can be very connected to romantic themes. Outside of the romance, it often resonates with alloromatic people.

In addition to the signs of people who have a romantic or alloromantic interest above, they usually enjoy dating, falling in love, and forming deep emotional bonds through romance and intimacy.

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