JAKARTA - Actress Pevita Pearce shared her experience of small but striking differences between Malaysia and Indonesia after she married her husband, Mirzan Meer.
He realized that many places in Malaysia use a combination of air conditioning and fans at once.
"In Malaysia, it's a pretty good thing, it's a small thing, but I think it's quite different in Indonesia. In Malaysia there are many places that he already uses a lot of air conditioning and continues to use fans too," said Pevita Pearce, quoted by VOI from Instagram @lambegosiip, Sunday, March 16.
According to him, in Indonesia, public places only use one of the two coolers, in contrast to Malaysia, which combines it more often.
"For example, in Indonesia, I often see it, my experience is the place between using an air conditioner or a fan. Now in Malaysia, in KL there are many places where he already has an air conditioner, for example a box air conditioner, then below it is a fan," said Pevita Pearce.
He also believes that this may indeed become a common habit in Malaysia.
"It seems that the habit there is like that," said Pevita Pearce.
This difference also feels at home, especially in the habit of sleeping with her husband. The funny thing is that because he is not used to it, Pevita admits that it gets cold.
"Well, at home, if my husband sleeps with an air conditioner and a fan, some of them. Meanwhile, if I get a fan, it gets cold," he said.
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