Tora Sudiro is trusted to play in the latest horror film produced by MD Pictures, Janur Ireng as Arjo, head of the Kuncoro family.

Tora said that at first he was hesitant to accept the offer of this film because he was a coward.

"So in Janur Ireng, suddenly one day I was offered 'You want to play a movie but not comedy' 'what film?' 'horror', 'wouh'," said Tora Sudiro in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, February 26.

"I used to be at least didn't want to play horror films. One I was a coward, I was afraid of demons, secondly, if it's horror, I usually shoot it until morning, I can't shoot it until morning," he continued.

However, after being convinced by the manager, Tora finally took it because he wanted to get out of his comfort zone, which often played in comedy genres.

"Finally, my manager 'this is good for you' after I thought I was too comfortable in comedy, it's been years, it turns out that lately there have been a lot of funny things. Well, I'm trying something I'm afraid of, I'm trying horror," he explained.

Tora admits that the film Janur Ireng is his first horror film that has no comedy elements, no wonder he is prohibited from playing in this film.

"The first horror is serious. So far, it's comedy, Kang Mak is horror but comedy," said Tora.

"There are many challenges, horror, drama, serious, it turns out that if the serious script is made up, you can, but you want to be 'oh no'," he continued.

In addition, Tora also tried to challenge herself by changing her body shape by losing weight.

"The challenge is diet too, there is no (decree loss of weight) but I just want it because the character is indeed I think the person is slimmer. It's never down at this age, but the body is shrinking," he said.

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