JAKARTA - Menggah Agung, a Javanese traditional Indonesian cloth brand from Gianyar, Bali with Maudy Koesnaedi, an actress and public figure who is known in the world of small screen and layer, who is also a cultural lover, launched the latest collaboration product to start 2025 with the title "Pranni Society".
Maudy, who has now decided to make the island of Bali her home and place where she puts her heart to make Balinese culture and nature the main inspiration in the creative process of creating this collection of collaborations. Maudy, who often appears in typical clothes and wastra Indonesia, feels more and more captivated by Balinese culture and beauty, and of course various Balinese wastras.
The owner and Creative Director of Menggah Agung, Hastosa said, really admires Maudy's figure who is humble and simple, but can still bring sincerity and elegant Indonesian culture, which is the DNA of Menggah Agung.
Menggah Agung himself is a producer of Balinese fabrics ranging from troomnue, batik and kebaya which have been established since 2012, and continues to present the charm of wastra beauty which is presented in attractive colors and diverse motifs.
The title 'Pranni Society' itself means 'all life in this world'. Being the title of the slick collaboration of Mengah Agung and Maudy Koesnaedi, is in line with the batik cloth motifs of the cap method which depicts the natural beauty of forests and flora in Bali. In this special collaboration product, Menggah Agung also uses Prada's technique, namely painting with gold ink, to provide luxurious and elegant details.
In addition to batik cloth, Sarwa Prani collection also presents a kebaya, inspired by a new kebaya kebaya silhouette, with a touch of structural design that resembles a gate on the chest. The three corners of the gate symbolize Tri Hita Karana, which takes the philosophy of Bali about the relationship between man, nature and the Creator.
Sarwa Prani's kebaya collection has a strict silhouette, but still emphasizes the distinctive feminine side, with the waist parts that are fit in the style of the Balinese kebaya. With the gate details presented, it allows kebaya to be worn either without accessories or with a beautiful brooch or necklace. Sarwa Pani's new kebaya has a choice of maroon red which is classic, dark blue, brown to ground, and black and majestic.
In this collaboration, Maudy feels very excited, she hopes that Sarwa Prani's kebaya can be an Indonesian women's choice of clothing, which makes a cultural image andrcery in a piece of clothing.
"This kebaya is comfortable to use in daily activities, both for formal opportunities and casual activities," he said in an official broadcast received by VOI.
The Prani Sarwa Kebaya and Fabric Collection can be obtained in a complete and separate set.
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