JAKARTA - Sugar Factory films officially released IMAX versions of posters and also their official trailers. Sugar Factory film producer Manoj Punjabi explained that after this there would still be other posters.

"That's the first teaser poster, the second one is now a poster for IMAX, later there will be the next poster, next, next. Wait for the game date," said Manoj Punjabi in the Kebayoran Lama area, South Jakarta, Thursday, January 30.

Furthermore, Manoj tried to explain the controversy over the previous poster which was considered too sensational.

Manoj said that the creative poster process had been designed from November to December.

"So our teaser poster, we have planned from December the final match, November, December, we already know from the script what to make a poster," he continued.

With the IMAX version of the poster, Manoj denied that it was done because the previous poster was criticized by netizens.

"We didn't change it because it went viral so we made it again, according to the planing we wanted this," said Manoj.

Manoj also explained that the poster, which suddenly went viral, was part of MD's marketing in attracting the attention of the audience.

"It's marketing, we have to know how to attract people and it's not the attraction, we don't want it, what do we want, just let's make this so it goes viral or not, there's planning, come back again," he said.

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