JAKARTA - Ria Ricis deepens her knowledge of the concept of fasting to her daughter, Moana, in Ramadan this year.

He wanted the child to get used to Ramadan worship and understand its meaning.

"Actually, he has always invited me to wake up the sahur together, if I break the fast he also likes to see, because sometimes we break the fast outside and we often see it," said Ria Ricis in the Kelapa Gading area, North Jakarta, Saturday, February 22.

According to Ricis, Moana has begun to understand what fasting is and what the process is. He hopes that in this month of Ramadan, Moana will not feel unfamiliar with this tradition.

"He also knows what fasting is, what fasting is, so hopefully in the month of Ramadan this time it's not that suddenly, but already know," said Ria Ricis.

Not only fasting, but Moana is also introduced to other services such as tarawih prayer.

In fact, although still small, Moana often attends tarawih prayers with her family.

"He already understands fasting, already understands tarawih prayers, if we pray tarawih at home he likes to join, even though he only wears mukena which sometimes still wears pressure and shorts," said Ria.

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