JAKARTA - The Snowpiercer television series, an adaptation of the film by Bong Joon Ho (2013) with the same title, will air on May 17 on TNT in the United States (US). The series, which was originally scheduled to air on May 31, will also be available on Netflix worldwide, except in the US and China.
In the film version, Snowpiercer is played by Chris Evans, Song Kang-ho, Tilda Swinton, Jamie Bell, Octavia Spencer, Go Ah Sung, and Ed Harris. While in the serial version, will feature Jennifer Connelly and Daveed Diggs.
The original film tells the story of a future climate change experiment which fails and ends up killing many people.
Being one of the most eagerly awaited series, Snowpiercer continues to solidify its premiere date even though the world is still being attacked by the Covid-19 pandemic or the corona virus.
"It is very important for us to continue our promise to meet the audience, and because of that effect, we are pushing forward the premiere schedule so that fans can enjoy the series more quickly," said TNT manager Brett Weitz quoted from NME, Tuesday, April 7.
In addition to Snowpiercer, Bong Joon Ho's other film, Parasite, was also confirmed for a television series version. The series that will air on HBO will reveal a wider story than the film version. Reportedly, Tilda Swinton and Mark Ruffalo are the names who will play in this series.
Meanwhile, Bong Joon Ho's name is currently becoming popular after successfully bringing Parasite to win Oscars in the Best Director and Best Film categories. This film is considered to be able to describe the reality of social class in South Korea.
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