JAKARTA - Currently caffeine is very common for the public so people easily forget that caffeine is a substance that can cause addiction. People consume caffeine not only in coffee, but also in tea, chocolate, and energy drinks. Energy drinks may contain more caffeine than coffee.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration, it is usually safe to consume 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine per day. However, if you are sensitive to caffeine, you are more likely to experience side effects such as headaches, anxiety, or insomnia, even in low doses.

While it has some benefits, it's important to remember that you also experience some annoying caffeine side effects. If you experience some symptoms below, it could be a sign you're consuming too much caffeine.

Anxiety disorders due to caffeine are conditions related to caffeine. Caffeine can make you feel more alert, but too much can also cause anxiety and nervousness. Because caffeine can trigger a body's response to fight or run, you may feel very alert. A study found that a caffeine dose of more than 400 mg is associated with an increased risk of anxiety in a healthy individual.

Although the use of caffeine is associated with mood improvements in some people, others can actually experience mood swings or mood swings. These effects tend to occur more likely when caffeine is consumed in high doses. Stopping caffeine consumption suddenly can also have a negative impact on moods due to symptoms of substance break.

People often consume caffeine to increase their vigilance, so it can interfere with sleep. In some cases, people may find it difficult to fall asleep or have difficulty getting a good sleep and recover. Caffeins can stay in the body's system for about five hours, so you should stop consuming caffeine in the afternoon.

After consuming caffeine, you also find it difficult to relax or calm yourself. Although these side effects are sought when a person needs time off, the body still needs rest. If you don't get enough rest, you may not give your body enough time to fix yourself. You don't feel tired, but your body will get tired without getting enough rest from your activities.

Caffeine can also cause psychomotoric aggitations. This is a type of physical stimulation that makes it difficult for the body to calm down. After consuming caffeine, people may also experience irregular flow of thoughts and speech. This common side effect of additive substances can make conversation and communication more difficult.

The use of caffeine or excessive use can also cause some long-term side effects. These side effects can include:

Because this substance can lead to habits, you can also become physically and psychologically dependent on this substance. This means that if you don't eat caffeine for a long time, you may start experiencing symptoms of dropping off substances.

Another general long-term side effect is experiencing symptoms of caffeine cut off. People who consume caffeine in large quantities are more likely to feel symptoms of dropping off substances after a few hours without consuming caffeine.

Symptoms of caffeine break can include:

Research has found that people who consume caffeine every day have a higher risk of experiencing caffeine-breaking symptoms such as fatigue and headaches.

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