JAKARTA - Vegetables are one of the most important sources of nutrition in a healthy diet. However, the nutrients contained in vegetables are greatly influenced by how to store and process them.
Quoting from Real Simple, on Thursday, January 9, 2025, fresh vegetables are indeed the best choice. However, please note that vegetables will easily lose their nutritional content once picked, according to nutritionist and dietist Cassandra Padula Burke.
This is also influenced by fresh vegetables that have to go through many processes such as packaging, storage, and delivery to reach the market or even to consumers. To maintain the nutritional content of vegetables can be done with freezing.
The freezing process as soon as the vegetables are picked will lock in vitamins and minerals, so that the nutrition does not decrease significantly. There are also several types of vegetables that are highly recommended for frozen purchases, as below.
Frozen Bayam is rich in iron and various vitamins, such as vitamins A, C, and K. Although iron in frozen spinach is a non-heme type that is less easily absorbed by the body, the vitamin C content in spinach turns iron into a soluble shape and is easily absorbed by body cells in the intestines.
In addition, frozen spinach retains many of its nutritional content because it is harvested fresh to be cleaned and frozen immediately. Frozen Bayam is also very practical for use in various dishes, such as soup, pasta, smoothie, or grilled dishes. Frozen Bayam can last several months if stored properly, without losing its nutritional content.
Paprika is a vegetable rich in vitamins A and C, two vitamins that are important to support the immune system and skin health. Frozen Paprika will also not damage its crunchy texture drastically, although there is little change in its texture after disbursement.
Frozenpaprika is also ideal to be put in dishes such as tumisan or salads, because the taste is well maintained. Paprika also contains antioxidants that are not only beneficial for the body, but also provide a fresh and sweet taste in the dish.
Brokoli is one of the most recommended vegetables to be frozen. Brokoli is rich in vitamins C and K, as well as good fiber for the body.
Uniquely, frozen broccoli still maintains a crunchy texture and bright green color. Based on research, frozen broccoli has a nutritional content similar to fresh broccoli, because the freezing process keeps the nutrients in it stable.
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