JAKARTA - Decorating the house, especially the kitchen part is one of the fun activities. Home owners can be creative as desired. In addition to presenting a personal style, when decorating the kitchen is also important to consider contemporary design trends. There is nothing wrong with following the latest decoration trend so that the kitchen does not look ancient.
There are several things that can make the kitchen look old and old. Reporting from The Spruce, Thursday, January 2, here are some of the reasons why the kitchen looks old-age to know.
Although white cupboards, walls, and kitchen tables are known to make the kitchen look brighter and brighter, Redecor chief designer Aino Hein calmsuo said that the touch of this shiny neutral color felt a little outdated.
One of the main signs of the outdated kitchen is the all-white and shiny look, which can feel too sterile and less character," said Hein Badminsuo.
"Tren saat ini lebih menyukai texture berkualitas tinggi, accentu kayu alam, hasil akhir khase, dan warna kalem."
To get a bright and friendly room without the impression of turning, he suggests using warm paint color, pale white, or bright and natural colors, or natural wooden cabinets made of limestone wood, eek wood,USH, or birch.
Laminations that are often used on kitchen and floor tables are also old-school. Although now available in much more realistic final results, this old version of affordable materials is easily recognized.
"Backsplash, floor, and surface kitchen table are usually things that really reflect the era the kitchen was designed," said Peter Spalding, co-founder and creative chief of Daniel House Club.
Fixing this can be as easy as changing laminations in other rooms in the house, but if the budget allows, experts suggest making investments. And switch to the kitchen table of the quartz and wooden floor, especially those made of ek wood, alder, walnuts, or a soft and connection-friendly identity.
Regarding the kitchen table, home designer Nina Lichtenstein said that lamination was not the only old-school kitchen sign.
"The ceramic kitchen table was once a trend a few decades ago, but now the ceramic kitchen table is a definite sign of an outdated kitchen," he said.
"In addition to looking outdated, ceramics are difficult to clean, and nat lines can easily trap spots and bacteria."
If you want to modernize a ceramic kitchen table, Lichtenstein recommends choosing a natural ingredient that lasts a long time and is easy to care for such as a quartz. For a charming but modern rural-style kitchen, Lichtenstein recommends a kitchen table of cutting boards.
Elements that stand out in the kitchen can attract attention, but the use of decoration details on cabinets, lights, and other elements can be excessive and make the room feel smaller than the actual size.
"For example, the hood of the kitchen engine full of makeup is really old-age and you can make easy changes," said Spalding.
"Just reorganizing the house in a simple or more accurate way according to the times can be very helpful."
However, Heinmensuo and Spalding agree that the context of other rooms is important to consider when planning kitchen renovations. And both suggested using vintage features like decorated wooden cabinets to create warmth and highlight characters in old houses.
The area recommended by Spalding and Hein Totalingsuo to be simplified so that the kitchen feels more modern is backsplash. The old Backsplash is characterized by the number of colors, patterns, or pieces of small tiles used. For a fresh and cohesive look that can also combine color charm, Heinkahsuo recommends the use of subway tiles to create a more modern and stylish kitchen.
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