JAKARTA - Entering the fourth day, the ornamental plant exhibition Floriculture Indonesia International (FLOII) Expo 2024 is increasingly lively and crowded with visitors. One of the things that caught the attention of visitors was the Ornamental Plant Auction which had taken place on December 7-8, 2024.
The ornamental plant auction itself is a series of programs from the FLOII Expo 2024 since it was first held. This event has always attracted collectors and lovers of ornamental plants from within and outside the country.
FLOII Expo 2024 Project Manager Della Azkia Surur said this auction event was part of his party's efforts to introduce the beauty of the archipelago and international ornamental plants at once. The existence of this auction is also not only to beautify the environment, but also to be a form of support for the community and ornamental plant lovers to continue to be creative.
During the two days the auction process was carried out, the total collected was IDR 137.7 million. The largest plant value came from the Aroid auction with a value of IDR 27,000,000 which was won by Bara Plant.
On the last day, the auction of Aglaonema and Aroid plants was conducted, the day before the auction of Sansevieria, Platycerium and Sukuren ornamental plants was carried out with the highest value being Rp. 24 million for the Platycerium plant type which was won by Locateloco / Alvin.
"We believe that every bid given by the auction participants is clear evidence in supporting the love of nature movement and also advancing the Indonesian ornamental plant industry. Therefore, we express our deepest gratitude to all parties who have participated in this auction," he said.
In addition to the auction, FLOII Expo on the fourth day was also enlivened by an inspirational talk show 'Planting for The Future' with Anjasmara. Then there was also a talk show that discussed Aglaonema as one of Indonesia's leading ornamental plants together with R. Agus Choliq and Mia Sutranina. Not to forget, Mossarium Workshop by the Bali Botanical Gardens team.
The excitement of the FLOII Expo 2024 series of events that managed to attract other attention were the Sansevieria, Platycerium and Cactus plant contests which were attended by 333 registered plants from various regions. This event is not only a competition to show off the best plants, but also a sharing space for collectors and lovers of rare plants. In this event, the participants were not only judged from an aesthetically beautiful side, but also had historical and scientific values.
Towards the end of the event, the announcement of the winner of the ornamental plant contest, door prize and the winner of the plant story challenge which is a digital competition to invite visitors to share their creative stories about ornamental plants.
On the last day, a Closing Ceremony event was also held as a sign of the closure of the FLOII Expo 2024 exhibition. The event announced the total value of the FLOII Expo transaction from day one until day 4 at 18.00 WIB is IDR 10.6 billion.
FLOII EXPO 2024 also successfully presented more than 150 exhibition participants, including international participants from various countries. Through various programs and various plant participants, until the last day at 18.00 WIB, FLOII Expo successfully brought in 13,434 visitors during 4 days of implementation.
The transaction numbers and the total number of visitors will continue to grow. Given that the participants are still recapitulating visitor data and transactions until the end of today's exhibition operational time (9/12).
The success of FLOII Expo 2024 cannot be separated from the full support from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), and PT Asuransi Jasaharja Putera, Indonesian Aroid Society, Florikultura Indonesia Lovers, and other associations and communities. The implementation of the FLOII Expo 2024 is expected to have a positive impact on the Indonesian florikultura industry and strengthen the position of the state as the main player in the global ornamental plant market.
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