JAKARTA - Atta Halilintar shared the story after about 12 days on vacation to Japan with his family. He said he was happy that his two children, Ameena and Azura, could see snow even though previously there was a snowstorm while they were on vacation.
"Playing snow is only one day because yesterday the snowstorm was quite strong, because the child was still a baby so it didn't take long," said Atta Halilintar, quoted by VOI from YouTube Starpro Indonesia, Friday, January 8.
"But thank God these children can feel the snow playing, see the snow," he continued.
During his vacation in Japan, Atta admitted that he had difficulty finding prayer rooms or mosques to worship because of the small number.
"Oh yes, if it's there, thank God we got a mosque several times, but not all places exist, not all places have prayer rooms," said Atta Halilintar.
Previously, Atta had said this through his social media, he emphasized that he did not intend to seek attention.
"Yes, actually, so that together we can not forget to pray, that's all," he said.
Atta also thanked him for returning safely to the country after the recent many reports related to plane accidents.
"Anyway, thank God it landed safely, yesterday I was afraid that I would also want to go home many recent incidents with the plane," he said.
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