YOGYAKARTA - Basically, meal hours are a very important time for people with stomach acid. Because, when it's late, the stomach will start removing the circumventing substance that makes you uncomfortable, dizzy, and nauseous. So, you must understand good eating hours for people with stomach acid.

Ideally, you have to eat at least 3 times a day with 2-3 times the time you snack. The ideal interval is at every 2-3 hours. The goal is that the stomach is always filled and stomach acid will not irritate. The schedule can be adjusted to personal activity, but the best hours will be explained below.

After understanding how many times a day you eat for people with stomach acid, namely 3 meals and 3 snacking, you can apply the following meal hours

Actually, breakfast hours for those with the most ideal stomach acid are 07.00 a.m. - 09.00 a.m. However, if you have to go to school, campus, or office before 07.00 a.m., you can have breakfast early.

If you are used to exercising in the morning, it is recommended to always fill your stomach before exercising. No need in full meal, you just need to keep your stomach from being empty. For example by eating a piece of apples and mineral water. The rest, you can eat after exercise.

Not only breakfast that should not be late, but also lunch time. Ideally, the lunch hour for people with stomach acid is 12.00 - 13.00. No matter how busy you are on that day, make sure not to miss meals. Work can be postponed, but for lunch should not be too late.

If you're wondering if people with stomach acid shouldn't have dinner, it's an inappropriate understanding. Because, you shouldn't miss dinner, but the time must be considered. Ideally, you can eat at 18.00 - 19.00 at night.

Try not to eat at too late times, especially if you intend to go straight to sleep. Because, you have to wait 3 hours after eating so that stomach acid doesn't rise.

If you want to know a good sleep for people with stomach acid, ideally you should sleep at 21.00 - 22.00 p.m. Therefore, if you are used to sleeping at 20.00 p.m., you can have dinner early, which is at 17.00 p.m.

Apart from eating time, snacking time is also very important if you have stomach acid disorders. This aims to keep the stomach filled, considering that food will be digested after 2-3 hours. Therefore, you need to always take the time to snack, at least 2-3 times per day.

You can do the first snack time between breakfast and lunch, which is at 10.00 - 11.00. Next, between lunch and dinner, you can also snack at 14.00 - 16.00. Finally, if you decide to stay up late or get late, you can snack at 20.00.

That's a review of a good sleeping position according to Islam. Hopefully this information will be useful. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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