YOGYAKARTA - During Christmas Day celebrations, there are several Christmas poems that can be read as an offering. Christmas poetry with strands of words that touch the heart will tell the story and remind the story of the Juru Selamat.

Christians are always waiting for Christmas celebrations. Christmas is celebrated with joy which is manifested in various offerings, such as choirs, dramas, and poetry about the story of Jesus Christ.

The poems that glorify Jesus will add to the wisdom of Christmas when it is offered. Each poem can also be a reflection to build a deep understanding of the true nature of Christ and Christmas.

You can read various touching Christmas poems. There are various examples, both short to long poetry.

Well, below are examples of touching Christmas poetry:

Christmas Prayers

By: Gordon Neel

"Oh my God,"

"It's clear that it has arrived,"

Candles in Bethlehem light up.

"Help me to cheer up in the light"

and in the light it sees my fellow as it is.

"Help me to keep getting to know him"

while Christmas arrives, and the night horizon,

once again filled with the light of your birth-mu.


Yang Kudus

By: George MacDonald

They are all looking for a king

Massacring their enemies and lifting them;

You come, a little baby

Your arrival made a woman cry.

O, Son of Man, straighten out my wasted life

Your presence gives meaning;

"Not because of the wheels on the road,"

Nor is it because of the ocean you love!

You don't care how or who I am,

Even You come down to the world

To answer all my needs,

Yes, the faithful prayers that have been offered.

Welcoming Christmas

By: Suparwata Wiraatmadja

Holy singing at night

Play as high as the heart

Adik why di kamu sendiri

"Together, let's make a pilgrimage to the holy church"

The silence of the heart in the dark of the day

Burns dead in flames

Christ, don't go along with us on our own footing

And the moon, the longing that in stabbing the conscience of nomads in law

God in the trough no matter how great

Mana sekali tidur di rest

Holy singing on a quiet night

Touching the heart of the devil, Sister, let's get down on our knees here

God is present for human beings

HolySunyi in the early dark

Swinging the heart in the vibration of singing

And let's open ourselves up

Christ bless in our hearts Christ!

Protect And Care For

Teach us to be humble

"And let your hand while our forehead is lost forever"

Welcome To My Heart

By: C. Mouwlaka

The night is late

leaving a long day track

in the grass in the valley is quiet

curled in a cold night blanket

some herders and sheep

Sayup-sayup there is a sound of praise

down split the night sky

a quiet universe is awakened

all those who live

staring at a space full of powerful soldiers

and the light of being able to open Father's Love




Lord Jesus

Welcome to the world

Welcome to Earth

Welcome among humans

Welcome to papa's heart

Welcome to mama's heart

Welcome to my heart

Poem 5


By: Rian

In one dark, starred night and the sky co-starred,

eclipsing one star emits brilliant light.

The one who brings wise people to the light.

That a King of Selamat has arrived.

Not like ordinary stars, but stars who give signs.

A sign that the world is shining because a baby has been born to this earth.

For me, for you, and for all of us.

Because His arrival brings a gift to everyone who believes.

People who want to accept Him as God, the savior.

Which will change a concentrated life, binding sin, andtacky demon.

Yes, we will all be safe because of the birth of a very powerful baby.

That's a review of the short Christmas poetry that can be read on Christmas Day. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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