YOGYAKARTA Kegel exercises aim to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, prevent incontinence (difficult to hold urinary urination), strengthen the vaginal muscles, prevent gas or accidentally exit, and increase orgasm. Women who practice kegel during pregnancy may find it easier to give birth. This is because Kegel exercises are useful for strengthening pelvic muscles so that it helps women control these muscles during childbirth and childbirth.
Kegel exercises are carried out by targeting the muscles of the pelvic floor area. These muscles can also be found by inserting fingers into the vagina and trying to squeezing the surrounding muscles. Launching EmedicineHealth, Thursday, December 5, Kegel exercises can be started by tightening the pelvic floor muscles for 5 seconds, then relaxing for 5 seconds. Repeat this exercise for 10-20 repetitions on the first day. Add up to 10 seconds each time and perform 3 sets with 10 repetitions.
During Kegel practice, avoid tightening the muscles in the stomach, thighs, or buttocks and avoid holding your breath. Kegel exercises are also not recommended when urinating because they can weaken muscles and increase the risk of urinary tract infection (ISK).
Kegel exercises after giving birth or doing moderate exercise activities, according to the Mayo Clinic, are not considered to affect the quantity or quality of breast milk. If you are breastfeeding, it is important to stay hydrated. Provide water bottles during exercise, and drink lots of fluids throughout the day. But it must be noted, avoid high-intensity exercise because it can cause lactic acid to accumulate in breast milk. Although this is rare, the results of breast milk taste more acid that the baby may not like.
Exercise after giving birth, can start when the body recovers. If normal delivery without complications, it is generally safe to start exercising a few days after giving birth or as soon as you are ready. If caesarean surgery, extensive vaginal repair surgery, or complicated childbirth, talk to ob-gyn about when to start a sporting program.
In addition to kegel exercises after giving birth, you can practice tilting your pelvis or plvic tilt, yoga with poses for relaxation while training flexibility such as baby poses. Exercise after giving birth may not be easy. So it is important to have a positive support system and support physical and mental health.
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