JAKARTA - The former child actress, Leony Vitria, explained about her love affair with her foreign lover, Charles Seaman, who has now begun to be published. Leony said that he deliberately did not show his love affair to the public because he felt convinced by the man from New Zealand.

"I never want to be exposed. (This relationship) is serious. It means like this, if for example I'm still not sure, one thing to do is be exposed too. When I'm sure, okay I think, this time I found something that made me quite changed my mind," said Leony Vitria, quoted by VOI from YouTube TransTV Official, Thursday, December 5.

When asked about his statement regarding not wanting to get married, Leony could only smile and emphasized that now his mindset has changed after meeting his lover.

"What year is that? The statement has been around for a long time. It has changed its mind. Indeed, the goal (with Charles) is to go there, married," said Leony.

Even so, Leony and Charles have yet to want to explain in more detail about their wedding plans due to long-distance relationships.

"Where he doesn't know yet because he can still move around because of the basic work I work here, his work there," he concluded.

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