YOGYAKARTA Singer and songwriter Andien Aisyah is known to have a distinctive style. Not only the color of his voice and musical style, but also his lifestyle that inspired the latest issue, namely about managing household waste. Through his social media, he shared data last year about inorganic waste in his home as much as 422.36 kilograms.
This amount counts as a year's waste, which if it is not sorted between organic and nonorganic waste, will certainly mount unmanaged properly. This mother of two children, always teaches her child with the message 'My Decree, my responsibility'.
Household waste, must be sorted. The goal is not to be difficult to recycle. Inorganic waste, so that it can be recycled into functional goods. In addition, as we know, inorganic waste is difficult to degrade naturally, because it takes decades. So, the wisest solution is to sort out waste.
Organic waste can be processed into organic fertilizer. Food residue can also be used as animal feed, such as chicken. Meanwhile, organic sampak can be sorted again, between glass bottles, plastic bottles, paper, cardboard, plastic that can be reprocessed, and cloth.
Andien Aisyah admitted that he had been living in the trash for the last three years. This lifestyle makes him understand that post-consuming waste is well processed and does not end up being a trash mountain.
Andien not only did it himself. This good habit involves both of his children, Kawa and Tabi. He said that his children like to do this lifestyle. This lifestyle also has a good impact so that Andien is eager to continue it. According to Andien, "Sometimes Tabi also asks to make toys from the garbage that has been sorted".
Many netizens were inspired and praised Andien's lifestyle in the last few years. He wrote in the comments, 'Keren mb' Andien dear.. The one who has consistently educated about the pile of garbage & other social movements, proud of you dear'. Other netizens also tell that they have run a waste pilah lifestyle and are responsible for their household waste. He also used his children to participate in carrying out this lifestyle.
In addition to carrying out the trash pick-up lifestyle, Andien Aisyah also often uploads portraits by wearing old style clothes with a new design, known as the upcycle method. Andien's underwear in the above portrait, made of six flannel shirts that were transformed into asymmetric skirts.
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