JAKARTA - According to a report from the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death in Indonesia with a total of 550,000 people every year, of which 300,000 cases are caused by stroke, and 250,000 other cases are caused by heart disease. The inequality of health services, especially in 3T areas (advantaged, frontier, outermost) exacerbated this situation.
At the International Cardiovascular Summit (IICS) on November 17, 2024, the Ministry of Health announced plans for lab Cath Development in 34 provinces in Indonesia by 2025. This lab Cath is intended to perform the PCI (Primary Coronary Intervention) procedure which is the most needed procedure for heart disease patients and strengthens open heart surgery facilities, for more complex actions such as bypass surgery and valve changes.
Advanced Technology For The Transformation Of Cardiovascular Disease Services In Indonesia
Philips introduced the ultra-low contrast PCI solution, a pioneer in low dose imaging on the Image-Guided Therapy (IGT) platform, Azurion. This technology supports a better and safer PCI procedure, reducing the risk of contrast-induced nefropathy (CIN) and acute kidney failure (AKI) due to the use of contrasting substances.
"Inovasi Philips dapat berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang berkualitas di Indonesia melalui inovasi ultra-low contrast PCI ini," kata Astri Ramayanti, Presiden Direktur Philips Indonesia.
This solution is a reflection of our commitment to provide more up-to-date PCI procedures so that they can serve all heart disease patients better, while reducing the risk of other diseases.
Collaboration Live Ultrasound technology, a tele-ultrasound breakthrough solution designed to improve health services. This innovation allows for long-distance collaboration of real time, between medical personnel in remote areas and specialist doctors in the city center. Patients can also conduct remote consultations with specialists, where specialists can also provide guidance or training to staff for complicated cases in real-time.
The Collaboration Live Ultrasound technology has been implemented in several countries, such as the Netherlands and the United States, and proves that this innovation has succeeded in proving its potential in providing timely and efficient health services, where this is a new benchmark for remote medical treatment.
"Increasing health services, especially in 3T areas, requires synergy between the central government, regional governments, and other stakeholders. With strong cooperation, we are able to achieve equal access to health services for all Indonesian people," added Astri.
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