YOGYAKARTA - The body will experience various changes during pregnancy, including changes in the skin. One of the conditions that are often experienced by pregnant women is blacky armpit skin. So what causes black armpits when pregnant and how to deal with it?

Blacky armpit skin often surprises pregnant women. Actually, the condition of black armpits is a natural thing for many pregnant women. Blacky armpit skin during pregnancy is generally caused by hormonal factors that occur naturally.

Although this skin color change is temporary, some pregnant women feel uncomfortable and want to know how to overcome it. Let's understand the causes of black armpits when pregnant and a number of tips to overcome them.

Here are some factors that can cause black armpits during pregnancy:

One of the main causes of darkning skin during pregnancy is hormonal changes. The increased hormone estrogen and progesteron can stimulate melanin production, a pigment that gives skin color.

The increase in melanin on the skin causes hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation conditions usually occur in areas that tend to be darker, such as armpits, necks, or inner thighs.

Apart from faces, melasma or hyperpigmentation can also appear in other parts of the body during pregnancy. This condition is known as a "pregnancy topic" and can occur in various skin areas, including armpits. Although not dangerous, melanma can cause skin color to become uneven.

The armpit area often experiences friction, especially if pregnant women wear strict clothes or have high activities. The condition of friction and humidity due to sweat can make the armpit appear darker.

Some deodorant or antiperspirant products can cause irritation of sensitive armpit skin during pregnancy. This irrigation can embezzle skin color, especially if the product contains hard chemicals.


Although black armpits when pregnant usually disappear on their own after giving birth, there are several safe steps to help brighten the armpit area. Here are some ways you can try:

Natural ingredients are usually safer for pregnant women, here are some of them:

Wear loose clothes and make up soft to reduce friction in the armpit area. cotton cloth or light ingredients can help the skin breathe and reduce irritation due to friction.

If possible, choose deodorants that are made from natural ingredients or do not contain harsh fragrances. Products that are free of alcohol, paraben, and other chemicals are more friendly to sensitive skin and can help prevent armpits from getting darker.

Excessive moisture can cause irritation of the armpit skin, especially during pregnancy. Wash your armpits regularly with soft soap. Also make sure to always dry it after bathing so that sweat and bacteria do not accumulate.

Demikianlah reviewasi mengenai penyebab kantam hitam saat hamil yang perlu ditangami oleh bumil. Ketiak hitam saat hamil merupakan hal yang umum dan normal dialami oleh banyak ibu hamil. Kondisi ini biasanya disebabkan oleh perubahan Hormon, friction, dan faktor lainnya selama kehamil. Baca juga berapa LiLA normal ibu hamil?

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