JAKARTA - Bathing is one way to refresh your body again after getting tired of activities. To feel the sensation of a different shower, you can try bathing using salt water.

Quoting the Healthshot page, Friday, October 25, 2024, bathing using salt water has many benefits for the body. What are the benefits? Check out the review below.

Soaking with warm salt water can promote blood circulation, so that the health of the tubut increases. Smooth blood circulation can increase the immune system, reduce the risk of heart disease, and help nerve function.

Bathing salt water also helps calm the thoughts and stress that hit. For the benefit of calming the mind that is better when bathing with salt water, you can use epsom salt.

Epsom salt helps the brain produce stress-permitter neurotransmitters, such as serotonin due to its high magnesium content.

After doing a lot of activities and exercising, the joints of the body often feel pain. Bathing with salt water can relieve joint pain in the body. Salt water will help relieve tense muscles after exercise, as well as stiff joints and pain.

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