YOGYAKARTA Alis can grow again, but how long does it take after shearing or tercerabut? To answer this question, identify the factors that affect eyebrows growing again.

Alis thins apart from being shaved to be tidied, it can also be due to being knocked out or splashed. For people who undergo chemotherapy, it may also experience hair loss, including eyebrows. In addition, eyebrow loss can also be caused by too often removing eyebrows, either by waxing or dredging. Genetics and health factors also affect eyebrow loss. For people with infection, skin disorders, autoimmune disorders, thyroid disease, it can also cause eyebrows hair to fall out. Obviously, dermatologists certified Brendan Camp, eczema and psoriasis also cause a lack of hair follicles in the eyebrows. Plus, aging also makes eyebrows hair loss.

Fortunately, eyebrows can grow again. But depending on the cause why eyebrows fall out. Obviously Camp, the loss in eyebrows due to alopecia area, often can manage to grow back after treatment at the clinic.

Hair expert or tricateuristrue Friese said that generally eyebrows takes about four to eight weeks after revocation for new hair growth. If the cycle takes three to four months. Eyewear growth through three phases, among others:

Even though through the above phases, if the eyebrows are only shaved and not revoked, the process of regrowing does not take long. But according to Friese as reported by Byrdie, many factors can inhibit the growth of eyebrows hair. Such as due to stress, hormonal changes, thyroid problems, alopecia, lifestyle habits, environmental pollution, triotilomania, and because they are often shaved.

Well, how to speed up eyebrow growth, it can be done with various steps. For natural ways, you can take advantage of the distance oil that is applied to your eyebrows and aloe vera gel. In addition, you can use olive oil, coconut oil, or other natural ingredients that contain vitamin E.

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