JAKARTA - Recently, there has been quite a lot of discussion about the misuse of steroid drugs without any medical indications for the purpose of increasing the child's body weight instantly.

In fact, this method can actually pose a danger to your little one. The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) highlighted the health risks caused by the misuse of these steroid drugs.

The coffee became visible (moon face). Actually there is a pile of liquid and salt. So, it's not really fat that is healthy if (consumption) is steroid. Only the appearance of the outside is visible, but in it it is problematic, "Agustini said as quoted by Antara.

The high levels of cortisol hormones due to prolonged steroid consumption can cause cushing syndrome. Agustini said children who consume steroids are constantly at high risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, and cataracts.

Other side effects also include mood swing and sleep disturbances.

Not only that, the long-term steroid effect on children will interfere with or inhibit growth plates. As a result, the bone cannot grow longer so that there are obstacles to child growth.

"Children will look fat but short, because they cannot grow if they are given steroids for a long time," said Agustini.

Provision of high doses of steroids over a long period of time can also suppress the immune system, as a result, children will experience more frequent infections.

If the steroid is given for a long time and is stopped suddenly, Agustini added, the child is at risk of falling in an adrenal insufficiency condition.

Under normal conditions, the adrenal glands should produce the hormone cortisol naturally. However, because children get a substitute for the hormone cortisol from steroid drugs, the body will not produce the hormone cortisol for a while. This condition is called adrenal insufficiency.

So when the consumption of steroid drugs is stopped suddenly, the body cannot adapt directly. Therefore, said Agustina, the termination of steroid drugs must be carried out in stages.

There is a source in the brain whose name is hypophisa will produce a hormone. This hormone is called ACTH. This ACTH will stimulate the adrenal glands, producing cortisols. But when we give large amounts of steroids, this ACTH will be depressed because it feels that there are too many outside, so the body may not have to produce (hormon cortisol), "he explained.

Agustini reminded that fatness is not an indicator of healthy condition in children. During the child's growth and development, a more important indicator is that the nutritional intake is well fulfilled. So parents or caregivers should not only focus on monitoring the development of weight but also the child's height.

He agrees that feeding children is not always easy for parents. If children have difficulty eating behavior, parents don't have to worry too much and have to look for the best way to create a more enjoyable atmosphere, not by abusing steroid drugs to increase appetite.

"What's more dangerous? Thin kids or using steroids? It's more dangerous to use steroids. Because if we use this steroid, we can see that the long-term effects are many. Thin kids usually become scared for their parents. But if you use steroids, the younger the child will be shorter and fatter, it's just fat that looks fat," said Agustini.

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