JAKARTA - Are you a coffee lover? Did you know the difference betweenbulry,iri, and flat white? Although the three of them look similar, these drinks are not at all the same.

Then what's the difference betweeniri,men and flat white?

The answer lies in how each of these drinks is prepared, served and how well the rows have been trained because at least, as in my experience, sometimes there are baristas that udel says 'it's the same, mba/mas' even though we have protested because the mess we ordered was presented. Sorry, to the baristas who might read this. If the two are the same, then why is the name different?

Summarized from Otten's official broadcast, although they are both made fromployees and milk, what distinguishes these three drinks is the amount of milk and the amount of foam added to the worn. The amount of added milk will also affect the taste of the drinks served. So that, once again, (flavor) Not the same, but flat white is certainly not the same. Check out the difference below:

Differences Between Latte And Cappuccino

Classical Cappuccino has a composition of Steam milk and equitable foam milk. Latte has more composition of steam milk and slightly milk foam. The composition layer ofacture is clearly visible, while in airing, steam milk and steam milk are mixed into one. Latte art itself is the result of variations in milk foam on the dollar surface which has been mixed between steam milk and steam milk.

Cappuccino is a traditional Italian drink that is famous for its top layer in the form of freth milk which is usually fenced with cocoa powder. However, what makes this drink typical is not just a freth of milk. Anatomically,iri can be illustrated into 3 parts such as:

So the drink is said to be akungan if it has the same dose for each composition (espresso, steamed milk, and froth milk). To recognize whether the drink is a cappucino, we will generally experience a rather firm foam and bold at the first time of fighting, followed by coffee with a strong milky taste afterward. What also needs to be known, cappucino does not use art on its surface.

Latte or in full is a caffelinary often inferred as coffee that tends to be milky. And that assumption can be true, when compared toRATEs. The most basic key in making fire is the steaming process of milk. Generally, this milk steaming process works for two things, namely heating milk to reach a certain temperature according to what is desired and to produce micro foam. In other words, foam in Stopping usually tends to be smooth and not thick.

Compositions of goods can be described as follows:

Flat white is a drink that tends to be subjective, and its variation depends on which country or cafre you visit (except for the UK, because the UK has their own special coil' for flat white). Broadly speaking, flat white consists of textured milk and fire trucks. Some baristas may use less milk doses than they do.

Generally, flat white is presented with two variations:

Without foam. This variation is the most frequently used in many caf\'e where fire is (in the standard shot) combined with sued milk. With foam. While this variation is quite common, it is presented mainly by specialist coffee shop. The method really demands the expertise of the barista, because at the time of making it textured milk, the barista must make a strictly smooth but hard microfoam.

The main key to feeling this flat white difference is when we drink it, we will feel coffee that tends to be strong but still has a little gentle taste to accompany it.

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