JAKARTA - Celebrity Kesha Ratuliu told about the unexpected incident when she was pregnant with her third child. Previously, Kesha admitted that the pregnancy of the three was not planned by her and her husband, Adhi Permana.

Apart from not being planned, Kesha also admitted that her third pregnancy was quite heavy because she had experienced spots and had to rest enough.

"The third pregnancy was quite difficult for me, I had a lot of spots until I thought I had a miscarriage. I thought this was because of excessive activities, I had bed rest too but the spots still didn't stop," wrote Kesha Ratuliu, quoted by VOI from Instagram @kesharatuliu05, Tuesday, October 15.

Namun Kesha sudah merasa kalau flek ini terjadi karena ia masih aktif mencaruh anak keduanya, Aisha. Pasalnya ia merasa tidak adil harus berhenti melekan Aisha di saat hamil.

"I've felt this spots because I breastfeed Aisha. I didn't want to stop breastfeeding Aisha because I felt unfair to Aisha. Until finally I continued breastfeeding and the spots were getting more and more," he said.

Finally, after being advised by the doctor to stop breastfeeding, Kesha decided to give an affirmation to Aisha so that she would stop breastfeeding.

"After controlling myself, Aisha immediately affirmed that Aisha could not breastfeed anymore because mica was sick if she breastfed her sister. Sorry, brother, masyaAllah, thank God, Allah made it easy for everything," explained Kesha Ratuliu.

"Strengthening Aisha is very easy. There is no blasphemy, there is no drama before BOBO, Aisha just asks to be hugged during the process of smiling until she cries a little and continues to cry on her own," he explained.

Now after quitting breastfeeding, Kesha admits that she is no longer releasing spots and her pregnancy is also in good condition.

"And it turned out to be true, I was flexible because I was breastfeeding, after visiting Aisha Flekku stopped. Maybe many were pregnant while breastfeeding, but it turned out that I couldn't. Alhamdulillah, the older the gestational age the stronger I was too," he said.

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