JAKARTA - Tsania Marwa successfully completed her master's degree at Tarumanegara University, Jakarta and graduated as a Clinical Psychologist this October. It was not an easy matter for her to complete her master's degree education for the last 3 years.

In the midst of an inner turmoil that cannot take care of her two children directly, Tsania has made her heart an object of research for her thesis. It is known that her children together with her ex-husband, Atalarik Syah. Tsania actually won custody, in fact, could not meet her two children.

He fought for a meeting with his son after winning child custody but could not meet his two children. The inner turmoil was then realized in the thesis entitled The Role of Separation Anxiety as a Mediator in the Relationship Between Psychological Dystress and Insomnia in Parents Who Don't Get Custody Due to Divorce".

"I'm really happy, because I took the total master's degree for 3 years. So indeed the 3-year struggle finally paid off by passing and being worthy as a clinical psychologist who, God willing, will only be graduated on October 20," said Tsania Marwa during an exclusive conversation with VOI at her residence in West Jakarta, some time ago.

Many argue, children are victims of the separation of parents. However, Tsania submitted a thesis that parents aka adults could also become victims. However, there are still few who care about this.

"In my thesis, I use 3 variables. The first is separation anxiety, psychological distress, and insomnia. Well, the subject is a parent who does not get child custody. So, automatically, these parents cannot live with their children. Well, when someone can't live with an attached figure, it can be a partner, it can be a child, right. Or one member of the family, it will be able to cause an impact of anxiety on separation. Indonesian is separation anxiety, anxiety about separation. And that was the question that might be experienced by adults, the answer is very likely to be more in adults," he said.

When announcing the graduation of the trial with a thesis related to his personal problems, netizens were curious about whether Tsania had made herself a subject of research.

"Maybe like this, I will explain a little about the background first. If for example we write the story of our own writing, it's called autobiography. If our life story is written by people, it's called a biography," he explained.

"Then if the thesis is a writing that is 100% scientific in nature. So, every sentence in my thesis, which is more or less the 150's page, can be ascertained that every sentence there is scientific in the sense is the result of research from previous scientific writings. So, there is absolutely no personal life story that I put in the thesis, nothing. However, is my life story my inspiration in determining the titles of the thesis and the variables I chose? The answer is yes. But that's it., in the process of writing, it's 100% already the data that speaks, "he said.

Like other scientific works, Tsania must conduct research that is structured and directed. The data cannot be taken temporarily to account for the results of the research.

"Because I used the method quantitatively. That is, I took a lot of participants, and the data I took I shared with G-forms. Because this is quite specific. I found parents who can't get child custody. It's actually hard to easily," recalled Tsania.

Initially, lecturer Tsania Marwa felt unsure that she could get enough data above 50 people according to research requirements. However, it turns out that Tsania faced many problems that resembled them.

"So when I submit this title to my lecturer, my lecturer too, 'you're sure you can get enough data to be made quantitative?' Because to become a quantitative data, the data can't be only 5 people, 10 people. We say it's already above 50. You're sure you can't find it? Then I answered, sure ma'am. Because people almost send DM to Instagram every day, I stated that they also experienced what I experienced. Namely separated by their children, "explained the woman who was born on April 5, 1991.

"So I asked permission from my lecturer, 'Ma'am, I asked for G-Form', of course those who already have consent information. So I still maintain the code of ethics. Finally, I spread widely. I still use social media power. I made a video on TikTok. Hello guys, for those of you who experience this, fill in the G-Form, here's how it is, "he explained.

107 participants finally voluntarily joined the study. However, only 76 filled in the data correctly and are valid so that it can be used for research.

"So my thesis contains 76 subjects, participants, the funny thing is 80% more women. The result is like that. So the men are very minimal. So from there, 76 of these participants answered the data which ended up being a thesis. So it's not me. So I emphasize, I'm not included in the 76 people," he said.

Following the scientific research code of ethics, participants with complete data must maintain confidentiality. Tsania can prove that her research is not personal, but the data is neatly stored.

"The 76 people show that when we are separated by children, it does cause depression anxiety, insomnia, and also psychological distress," he said.

When making this study, Tsania departed from anxiety that in Indonesia there is no law to protect child custody. "So that's the urgency, and the phenomenon of divorce in Indonesia increases every year," he said.

Apparently that anxiety also has a mental impact on you. Farewell to his two children made Tsania mentally ill.

"Obviously. I think if I say it doesn't cause a mental impact on me, it's a lie. Obviously. If you say there is an impact, 100% is there. But back again how we regulate emotions and we control ourselves, so that the psychological impact I get doesn't damage my own mentality. And hinder work processes, education processes, like that," he explained.

Luckily, Tsania studied psychology so that she knew how to treat herself to deal with trauma. "There are terrible moments, we don't realize that I know how to handle it, God willing, so that's all our choices, how come we want to focus on trauma, whether we want to focus on positive things and I choose to focus on positive things," he said.

Tsania Marwa can now calm down and even accept her children being separated from her. He believes that maintaining the health of his soul and body is important to take care of his children in the future.

"Self aware is very expensive for us to be aware for oh I think I already want to burn out, I think we can't take a step back first, meet time first, fix mentally, give a mental feed who is given a mental meal, it's not just the stomach but the soul also needs to be fed, that's right," he said.

"If you say why maybe this storm that I've been through is also very big, right. If we're used to a big voice when we hear a voice that's not too big, we don't just have a response. But I can get to this stage, the journey is long and very painful, yes it's very painful. There are also many moments where I look weak there are a lot of me being interviewed and I cry, I still show my feelings like that, it must have a stage, only at the end of the day, we can justify and fix ourselves," he said.

For him, knowing yourself deeper and aware that the signals that have been given by yourself are important. "For example, giving a mental meal is actually simple things like we do our hobbies that can make us happy, maybe just me time, watching singing movies but it turns out that the impact is huge," he suggested.

Tsania Marwa did not deny that the current problems were related to the fact that a Tsania Marwa married at the age of 21, which we said was quite young.

"It must be related, because it is a timeline of life that I cannot break up like that, maybe if I am 21 years old not married young, at my age who is now 33 years old, maybe I am different again, the thought is different again, the maturity is different again like that. So if you say there or not, the answer is there, and it is a history of life that has become my destiny and now my job is to compile in the future what it will be like," he explained.

The fate of Tsania Marwa's life as a soap opera actor has now turned into a clinical psychologist. Tsania managed to turn the wound into inspiration.

The proof is that the Constitutional Court (MK) recently announced that anyone who takes children forcibly outside their control or is not a child custody holder will get a criminal act in the form of imprisonment or fines.

"Finally, the Constitutional Court dared to declare a strict and clear legal fatwa that parents who take children by force and outside their control (not custody holders) can be punished under Article 330 of the Criminal Code," said Tsania.

"If indeed the tears and pain for 7 years and 6 months that I experienced brought a wisdom of this magnitude, I am sincere... Hopefully this result can be a help for thousands or more of mothers who experience something like me... This is it! Allahuakbar," said Tsania.

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