JAKARTA - Facing high hot weather does not always have to enter the cooling room such as air conditioning and fans. Launching from Health Site, there are several alternative ways to keep the body cool even without using air conditioning and fans when the temperature is hot.

When you are in hot temperature, hydrating yourself is necessary to keep the body cool. A cool body will not be achieved if you lack fluids, so you need to drink enough water every day.

Body temperature is influenced by an area in the brain called hypotalamus. This part affects the body's temperature depending on how hot or cold the skin is, and the pulse's point has a major effect on this.

Thus, you can attach something cool in the pulse area to lower your body temperature in hot weather. Such as using an ice compress or cold towel that is put into the freezer in the neck area, temples, and wrists.

Soaking your feet with cold water can have a cool effect on the body even without using an air conditioner. Bathing cold at night is also useful to keep your body temperature low throughout the night, even though you don't use air conditioning while sleeping.

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