JAKARTA - Many people talk about cucumber diets. If you consume cucumber every day, this diet is successful and makes the body slim. Reportedly, the cucumber diet can lose 7 kg in a week. So is the news true?

Cucumber can be used as a diet program in the short term. This diet focuses on eating cucumber as the main food, then it can also be combined with other foods such as protein-rich foods such as eggs, fatless meat, chicken, fish, and nuts.

Diet experts suggest, "Whenever you feel hungry, eat cucumber". Regardless of how unbelievable it is, some people have tried this diet to reduce belly fat and achieve rapid weight loss. However, the problem remains, namely health risks such as daily malnutrition.

Cucumber is quite nutritious and low in calories, but lack of important nutrients such as protein, fat, fiber, calcium, and iron. This makes it important to combine it with other foods that can help meet daily nutritional intake.

Reporting from the Times of India page, there is no research that specifically supports the efficacy of the cucumber diet. Due to the very low calorie consumption, weight loss may be temporary.

Normal days will include eating about 6 cucumbers, chicken, eggs, and several other vegetables, with a total of about 800 calories.

If you only consume cucumber, it can cause weight loss. In addition, experts doubt eating cucumber can lose weight in the long term.

The success rate of cucumber diet can raise concerns about efficacy and sustainability for a long time. Cucumber diets are criticized for being very restrictive and encouraging unhealthy eating habits that have the potential to endanger the body.

According to research, such a diet is not good for a long time, because if the diet is stopped in the middle of the road, what happens is that the body can experience a slowdown in metabolism to gain weight in a short time.

To lose long-term weight, doctors recommend a balanced diet rich in seeds, vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and fatless meat. Avoiding excessive calorie restrictions can also cause long-term health problems and weight gains that endanger the body.

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