JAKARTA - Living healthy and long is common in the dream of many people. One way to achieve this is to eat healthy food and drinks. Selectively drink healthy drinks, the body will be fit and healthy.

Reporting from the Eat This page on Friday, October 4, 2024, there are several drinks that can make a person live a long life. Here are 5 drinks that can make a person live a long life

The body consists of about 60% water, so to make sure every system works well, you need to keep it hydrated.

According to a Harvard Medical School health report, water helps digestion, brings nutrients and oxygen to cells, removes bacteria from the bladder, protects organs and tissues, and maintains an electrolyte (natrium) balance.

Cardiologist, Dr. Leonard Pianko, MD, also noted that water can increase longevity by maintaining blood pressure levels within normal limits.

The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine recommends that men drink about 3.7 liters (about 125 ounces) and women drink 2.7 liters (about 91 ounces) a day to get their benefits.

A 2018 study analyzed data from about half a million British adults. It was found that coffee warrants, even those who drank caffeine, were less likely to die from various diseases during the 10-year study period.

"In addition to containing antioxidants that reduce inflammation, there are also studies that show coffee can reduce the risk of liver cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, heart disease, colon cancer, and stroke," said Dr. Pianko.

Adding a lot of cream and sugar can clearly eliminate these health benefits. Therefore, you should give a taste to coffee with less peanut milk without sweeteners or 2 percent milk and caloriesless spices, such as nutmeg and cinnamon, which are known to stabilize blood sugar.

"Antioxidants in green tea support immunity and protect heart health by reducing cholesterol," said Dr. Pianko.

In fact, research from Japan revealed that green tea warranters lived longer. Meanwhile, a 2020 study showed that drinking green tea was associated with a reduced risk of death in those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Dr. William Li, president and medical director of the Angyogenesis Foundation and author of Eat To Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself, added that green tea leaves are rich in natural bioactive chemicals called kachitins.

"This can make cancer cells starving by cutting off their blood supply, as well as lowering blood pressure, increasing body metabolism, and stimulating the mother's cells to regenerate organs from within to outside," he explained.

"All these activities can help you live longer," he continued.

A red wine is your choice to relax. Now, you can drink red wine every night.

"The benefits of red wine come from the large number of natural bioactives found in the red wine skin used to make wine," said Dr. Li.

"Among them is resveratrol, which helps slow cell aging and improve blood vessel health."

A Harvard study found drinking red wine was associated with a longer life. According to Dr. Pianko, this may be due to the fact that research has shown a connection between moderate consumption of red wine and reduced risk of heart disease.

But before you try to add it, keep in mind that the keyword here is moderation. Comply with the recommendations of the American Heart Association to limit your consumption. It is better for women not to have more than one glass of 4 ounces of wine and men no more than two glasses a day.

Cranberry contains many heart-healthy polyphenols, known to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and flavonoid properties attributed to improved cardiovascular and inflammatory health.

Unfortunately, Dr. Pianko shows most of these benefits are found inipated skin, which is dumped in the juice-making process.

However, a 2020 review found drinkingā–hati juice can help increase blood pressure "significantly", and another study attributed drinking low calorie juice to a reduced risk of heart disease.

In addition, a recent study published in the journal Nutrients revealed that adults who consumete juice tend to have a lower waist circumference. In addition, lower risk of being overweight or obese than those who don't drink it.

According to Dr. Li, drinking juice can increase levels of T gamma delta cells, which are involved in immune responses, as well as cytokines that fight the virus.

"These effects make drinkingiri juice as a health defense driver that can help support longevity," he said.

However, pay attention to the sugar content. The most healthy option is to buy 100% juice without additional sugar and follow the advice of health experts by not drinking more than 8 ounces per day.

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