YOGYAKARTA - Physical activities such as exercise are not only needed by adults. Babies can also be taught to do physical activities through moving activities such as baby gyms that are useful for improving the baby's motor development. Baby gyms are starting to age how much can it be applied?

Baby gym is an activity or game that aims to stimulate the baby's skills and stimulate the baby's physical growth. Baby gym can also be called baby gymnastics.

Baby gyms are a collection of movement games that aim to optimally stimulate the baby's growth, development, and motor skills. Baby gym is also useful in building a baby character that is more confident, active, and easy to socialize.

Motor skills need to be stimulated from an early age to help babies gain independence, spur physical growth and development, and strengthen their muscles.

Activities at this baby gym require guidance from trained midwives or instructors. The goal is for parents to know how to implement the right and safe baby gym so that in the future the baby gym can be practiced at home.

Baby gyms are usually done when the baby is 3'12 months old. Baby gym movements are distinguished according to the age of the child, ranging from the age group of 3 months, age of 4'6 months, age of 7'9 months, to the age of 10'12 months.

For babies aged 3 months, the movements carried out of course must be more careful and subtle. The example of baby gym movements carried out on babies aged 3 months is as follows:

Repeat every movement above 4 times.

The benefits of baby gyms are as follows:

During baby gyms, babies will move their bodies and arms and feet to reach, kick, hit, and hold toys around them. If these movements are carried out routinely, these physical activities can help muscle development around the legs, arms, neck, and stomach.

Motor skills are also an important foundation in the development of babies to reach other milestones, such as prone, sitting, crawling, until later walking.

The sound, shape, color, and texture of toys in the baby gym is useful for stimulating the development of the baby's brain and mental development. Physical activity regularly helps babies recognize various colors, patterns, and textures.

Some gyms for babies are also equipped with mirror toys, thereby increasing the child's curiosity to learn to get to know him. This is the basis for communication and critical thinking skills.

Toys that are hung in the baby gym room usually display various shapes and colors that will attract the baby's attention so that it can attract the baby and try to grab toys with his hands. Coordination between the baby's eyes and hands will increase when doing a baby gym.

With the development of the baby's vision stage, the color will become clearer and the focus will be sharper. It is only when the baby is 6 months old that the sense of sight will be better to see the color and shape of the toy.

Playing in the gym also includes sensory play which is an opportunity for babies to hone their sensory sensitivity. Playing with different toy variations gives babies the opportunity to learn to focus on objects, thereby increasing their visual perception.

Although the baby's vision is still blurred at birth, playing in the gym until a 6-month-old baby can train the baby's perception and visual coordination for the better. In addition, playing with baby toys with mirrors and sounds, such as piano keys, can help the baby increase sensory stimulation of sound and touch.

Looking at the mirror while playing can play an important role in increasing self-awareness and getting to know the baby's limbs. Babies really like to see themselves in the mirror because they will gain new knowledge of their face, facial emotions created, and other body parts. This can stimulate babies to practice moving their entire body parts and developing awareness.

There are several important things before inviting your baby to play in the gym, namely

Currently, there are many baby gym places that can be an option, usually if you regularly do baby gyms and know the technique, this activity can be done alone at home.

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