JAKARTA - Nikita Mirzani's brother, Edwin tried to respond regarding Vadel Badjideh's presence which finally complied with the investigator's summons regarding the alleged immoral case.

He said he was grateful for Vadel's presence which would make the legal process reported by his younger brother run quickly.

"Yes, thank God, in the end, it wasn't possible yesterday to be unable to get sick, right. It turns out that now it's fit, it means that it has fulfilled the call. If I'm grateful it's good so that the process can run as soon as possible so that personally I'm already tired, especially since my sister is like that," said Edwin in the Kebayoran Baru area, South Jakarta, Friday, October 4th.

He also thanked Vadel for his presence after being absent at the first clarification call on the pretext of illness.

"This is if we say we are following the process and indeed the process is like this and if the second summons can fulfill thank God, thank you for being willing to fulfill the police men and women," he added.

Now Edwin said that the next process is just waiting for the process that the investigators will ask for in accordance with the law.

"Next, we just have to wait for what it will be like at the time, what kind of process we will follow. We will join the law," he said.

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