Undergoing the process of losing weight, food consumed every day must be considered. Not only the main food, but also snacks or snacks consumed.

Snacks consumed during a diet must be healthy and low in calories. Apples can be a choice of healthy snacks during a diet program.

Reporting from Eating Well, apples contain low-index calories and glycemics. Thus, eating apples as snacks during a diet will not greatly affect the daily calorie intake limit that has been set.

The apples also contain high fiber, especially in the skin. High fiber will make you feel full of time to last, so you don't want other snacks.

Apples also have a high water content, reaching 85 percent to 86 percent of the weight. Along with fiber, water in apples can make you full and hydrated, thus helping to reduce appetite.

In consuming apples, there are several ways that can be done. However, what is most recommended is the complete consumption of apples, without processing them first so that the apples that enter the body are also intact.

If you feel bored eating an apple in its entirety, you can combine it with other good food ingredients to lose weight. Such as eating apples with peanut butter or cheese, as a variety of snacks.

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