JAKARTA - Sex is an emotional act. During sex, there are many emotions that are felt from joy to joy. Some people even become so burdened by feelings that even crying appears.

The first thing to know if you have experienced this situation is, although it may feel a bit embarrassing, crying during sex is usually nothing to worry about. Even so, it will help if you understand why this happened and how to prevent it from happening again. Like these things need to be known.

If you feel pain and discomfort during sex, of course you will cry. Sex shouldn't hurt. Pain when having sex or known as dispareunia can be caused by infection, injury, or lack of lubricant.

Women with vaginismus conditions also often feel pain during sex. Vaginismus is a condition where the vaginal muscles tighten without realizing it, making it difficult for women to penetrate. This condition can be treated with various types of therapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy and sex therapy.

Overcoming crying during sex due to pain can be done by letting your partner know that you are in pain. So that your partner can stop activities or do it slowly.

If you feel sad or depressed, these emotions don't go away during sex, even though sex should be a fun activity. So, you may find yourself suddenly crying at random times in your daily life, including the time of having sex.

Looking for treatment can help you feel better. Depression treatment can involve taking drugs, therapy, or a combination of both. Talking to health care providers or mental health professionals is the first step in getting help.

Believe it or not, you may cry during sex just because you are very happy. This is because you have sex with a partner who is very loved or really enjoys sex with him. So, don't hold back and let the tears flow if you cry because you are very happy.

Some people have doubts about sex, causing crying during intercourse. This happens especially during sex outside of marriage ties or committed relationships. Some people cry because they view sex outside of marriage as an act of disrespect.

Orgasm can also cause some people to cry. Orgasm is an intense body reaction to pleasure during sex. In a 2017 study, reported by Very Well Mind, Thursday, October 3, researchers found that people experience various kinds of emotions after orgasm, ranging from crying, sneezing, to experiencing panic attacks. This is known as the "peri-orgasme phenomenon" and rarely occurs.

If your work, life, or other personal problems overwhelm you, this can affect the activity of having sex. During sex, the body gradually releases a hormone mixture. If you combine a spike in hormones with stress or anxiety, crying is inevitable.

Some people also have an anxiety condition of sexual performance and cause crying during sex. Research shows that the disorder affects 9-25 percent of men while 6-16 percent of women.

If you have experienced sexual or emotional harassment in the past, this can cause trauma. Experiencing sexual trauma can make sex and enjoy it complicated after the incident, especially if you haven't recovered from the trauma.

Post-coital dysphoria or post-coitus dysphoria is a condition that causes intense feelings of sadness in women after sex. In a 2015 study, researchers found that about 46 percent of participants had experienced post-coitus dysphoria at least once in a lifetime.

If you experience this condition, you may suddenly cry after having sex or during sex, even if you enjoy it. In some cases, even fighting with your partner for no apparent reason during sex.

Crying during sex can be a sign of problems in relationships. If you experience emotional problems with your partner or harbor thoughts of separating, all of that can peak during sex.

Certain hormones are released during sex, such as oxytocin and dopamine. This can result in feelings of relaxation and happiness. However, you may react to the swiftness of these hormonal changes, along with the physical and emotional intensity of sex, by shedding tears or crying.

Crying when having sex means you are really present and at that moment. Sometimes, being at that moment creates a space for the emergence of other feelings, especially feelings that may be avoided such as feeling numb or depressed. Sex can trigger the release of all types of emotions.

The most important thing to do if you or your partner cry is talk about it. Don't ignore it as if nothing happened. Sometimes, a partner crying during sex can hint at emotional problems or doubts about your relationship.

Explain that you understand and empathize with your partner's feelings and ask how you can help. It's very important not to rush into continuing sex or any sexual activity until you feel that both of you have reached a full resolution on the matter.

Apart from talking about it, you can also ask your partner if they want to stop, slow down and pay attention to your partner's non-verbal signal. or stop sexual activity and hug your partner until they are ready to talk or communicate.

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