JAKARTA - Grief is being felt by the family of Ikang Fawzi. Marissa Haque died on Wednesday, October 2 in the morning after becoming unconscious at her residence or often called a natural death.

Sadness was unstoppable by Ikang Fawzi. From the start faced with the public, he did not cover up his sadness and loss of true love. He also felt a mental and physical condition that changed drastically due to grief.

Marissa Haque's body was about to be buried on the same day. Fawzi's opponent who saw the process of delivering the corpse could only say, "My beloved wife, Allah... has left"

38 years together solidified the relationship between Ikang and Marissa until Ikang had to let his wife go. His face looked gloomy taking his wife to her final resting place.

Ikang Fawzi was seen accompanying his wife's body by guiding the coffin to the Tanah Kusir TPU, South Jakarta. He still looks sad but is determined to continue to follow the funeral procession, but his body seems not strong standing.

Ikang Fawzi seemed to have fallen several times into the grave. The people around him tried to hold him back so he didn't fall.

Addie MS as a friend of Ikang Fawzi and Marissa Haque revealed that Ikang was devastated by the departure of his wife so that he became unconscious several times.

"Listen to him four times unconscious, Ikang is very devastated," said Addie MS in South Tangerang.

In the midst of mourning, Ikang Fawzi still took the time to speak and respond to questions about Marissa Haque. He highly praised the achievement of his wife who had struggled in the world of education until the end of his life.

"Mashaallah dia ya wanita yang hebat. Dia berjuang mendapatkan gelar profesor hingga titik namakan terakhir," kata Ikang Fawzi.

Ikang also tried to be sincere with Marissa's death. He recalled Marissa with a love call for his wife.

"We call each other to love. Marissa, I love you forever. We love each other, but our love is at an early age because of Allah. When Allah called him, I was sincere," he concluded.

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