JAKARTA - Kimberly RDer expressed his frustration with Edward Akbar who again claimed it was difficult to meet their two children.

Kimberly repeatedly emphasized that she never forbade her husband to meet her children so that she could not contain her emotions.

"Yes, if you meet, just meet, just contact me, there is no contact. I'm not making it difficult, until now I've been really annoyed, right, from my face, I don't know his number, he's changed numbers," said KimberlyRIDer at the Central Jakarta Religious Court, Wednesday, October 2.

According to Kimberly, Edward himself made it difficult for himself to meet his children. "He made it difficult for himself to come to meet the children. I've always been open with him, if you want to come, come, come on. It's okay. The children also want to meet him," said Kimberly RDer.

Although not forbidding, Kimberly conveyed the conditions that must be met by Edward when he meets his son. He asked Edward to come himself and someone was watching him.

"The condition is that you come to my house, you don't bring other people, you yourself and there are people who see you and the children," he said.

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