YOGYAKARTA - The condition of the pirical or tangent skin is often complained of by a number of people. Pilary lattices are characterized by the appearance of spots or rough spots on the skin that resemble chicken skin. Many people who experience this condition also want to know how to remove skin skin on the face.

Chicken skin can appear in a number of areas in the body, such as the face, arms, and thighs. The appearance of chicken skin on the face is certainly very disturbing to comfort. This appearance like chicken skin makes people who experience it less confident with their faces.

Skin textures are usually difficult to remove in a short time. But there are several ways to get rid of skinents on your face that you need to know. In the right way and done in a latent manner, the condition of chicken skin can be removed and the face can be smooth again.

Spots on the skin called pirical keratosis or chicken skin are dead skin cells that clog hair follicles. Sprinkles of chicken skin that appear can be red or brown. Although not contagious, the condition of this skin can cause discomfort because it makes you less confident with his face.

A special skin care method is needed to deal with facial skins that experience pillaric ratosis. For those of you who experience this condition, here's how to remove chicken skin on the face that you can apply:

One way you can do to overcome the problem of skin skin on your face is to use a cake scrub soda. The use of cake soda serves as a natural exfoliator that helps lift dead skin cells, so that it can reduce the rough texture caused by chicken skin.

The method of using it is quite simple. Mix 2 tablespoons of cake soda with 2 tablespoons of warm water to form a pasta. Apply the mixture to rough skin areas, then massage slowly with a circular movement for 5 minutes. After that, rinse the face with clean water and dry water.

The content of malic acid and citric acid in apple vinegar vinegar is effective enough to remove dead skin cells and repair rough skin textures that cause pillaric keratosis. Therefore, apple vinegar can be used as a way to deal with chicken skin on the face.

The trick is to dip cotton into a dilute mixture of apple vinegar vinegar. Then apply it to rough facial areas. Let stand for 5'20 seconds, then rinse your face with water and dry it using a soft towel.

Make sure to always dissolve apple vinegar vinegar with water before using it to prevent skin irritation. If after the use of the skin experiences irritation such as itching, a red rash appears, or feels hot, immediately rinse with clean water.

Creams containing vitamin A derivatives work by stimulating exfoliation of skin cells and opening pores on the face. However, this cream can only be obtained through a doctor's prescription.

In addition to using retinoids for exfoliation, you can also try other chemical exfoliators to treat chicken skin on your face. Some chemical exfoliators that can be used are salicylic acid, citric acid, and glycolic acid.

Exfoliation can be done once in the first week. After that, if there are no signs of irritation, the frequency can be increased to 2'3 times per week.

If the chicken skin on the face is not lost even though it has tried various previous methods, laser therapy can be an alternative to overcome it. Laser therapy works by destroying the outermost layer of the skin and stimulating collagen production.

The laser therapy process makes damaged skin replaced by a new layer of skin. To avoid pain during the procedure, doctors will provide anesthesia before starting laser therapy.

Microdermabration is a method to treat chicken skin by using a special tool that functions to erode the top layer of the skin. When the skin layer is eroded, the accumulation of palaces that causes the skin of the chicken to decrease, so that the skin becomes smoother.

However, this procedure must be carried out at beauty clinics or by professionals. Usually microdermabration takes about 30'40 minutes. While it may cause a little discomfort, this procedure can be done without requiring anesthesia.

Those are some ways to remove chicken skin on your face that you can do. Although the appearance of chicken skin cannot be avoided, you can apply facial care treatment to maintain skin hygiene. You can also consult a doctor to get the right skin care method. Also read how to safely get rid of milia, annoying small acne.

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